Home > Specialties > Apartment Renovation
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Improve the quality of care with new equipment adapted to the structures and expectations !

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Be in accordance with traditions for exceptional places !

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The pleasure of working in new premises !

Apartment Renovation 


For 45 years, Louis Genève S.A. has used two main techniques to keep apartments up to date and according to the specific needs of its clients to make them last over time. Below is a non-exhaustive list of renovation and replacement work we can perform for your apartment. 


Restoration of Existing Woodwork

  • Adjustment and repair of communication doors

  • Adjustment and repair of existing windows

  • Adjustment and repair of existing fixtures

Replacement of Existing Woodwork

  • Replacement of communication doors 

  • Replacement of windows

  • Replacement of landing doors

  • Repair of fixtures


Do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone for more details about the services we offer. You can also visit our 'Custom Layout' page for more details on the custom work we do.

Home > Specialties > Apartment Renovation